Saturday, January 19, 2008

I think I can!

Gosh, I have been meaning to get back and blog but it just has been one thing after another. The last week has been awful since I have been down with the flu. It is supposed to be my turn to host WHB, an event I have not even been able to participate in for the past several weeks. Well, I had actually cooked this really lovely smooth textured soup last week, with overtones of cumin and ginger laced with mint. Seeing all the wonderful entries that are filling my mailbox, I finally got inspired to write this up.
Carrot Pumpkin Soup with Ginger and Mint
Serves 4-6
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp processed ginger chunks (I use trader joes)
2 leeks peeled and thinly sliced
2 lbs carrots peeled and cut into pieces
1 lb fresh pumpkin peeled and cut into pieces
1 parsnip peeled and cut into pieces
3 cups chicken broth
Salt to taste
1/2 cup fresh cream
2-3 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves
Method of Preparation
1. In a pressure cooker, heat the oil and pop the cumin and pepper.
2. Add the ginger and leeks and saute for 15 minutes till very soft.
3. Add in the carrots, pumpkin and parsnip and mix lightly.
4. Mix in the broth and bring to a simmer.
5. Cook under pressure for 20 minutes.
6. Cool and blend into a puree with the cream.
7. Check seasonings.
8. Heat but do not bring to a boil prior to serving and serve garnished with mint.

1 comment:

  1. It does sound delicious. I haven't cooked much with a pressure cooker, but I can see it would be perfect for a recipe like this! I hope you get feeling better soon.
