Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another milestone...

Deepta, the baby that I brought home weighing less that 6 pounds, turned 7. I look at her, well up to my shoulder and and so articulate in expressing herself, and cannot help wondering where the years have gone by. The anxious anxiety of those early days, struggling with the baby who did not want to nurse, to the incessant worry over her weight has given way to a comfortable and somewhat wistful realization that she is growing up faster at times than I would like her to.
This last year, working through this very difficult and recession ridden landscape has been even worse. Navigating the needs of the kids and everything else.
And then there are days like today, a really perfect day - well planned, everything worked like clockwork. I am wiped, and am ready to go to bed. Actually realized this post was an even number seems symbolic of times to come.

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