Thursday, December 7, 2006

Green and Crisp - Comfort Bhindi

Sometimes there is a fun and interest to participating in a food blog event, even if it involves writing or working with something that is a household staple. The kids and Anshul love Bhindi or Okra. So I have to get this all year round, even when the pods are not so impressive like the ones adjacent.

Anyhow, Pooja of Creative Pooja, hosts a weekly event where she features a vegetable a week. This week it was Bhindi, hey even Anshul was excited, since it spurred me to try something new. Actually I altered a Thai inspired recipe and was quite pleased with the results and tried this with a new chutney.
This is what I did,
Spicy Batter Fried Bhindi with a Lime-Tomato chutney
Serves 3-4 people
1 inch piece ginger
2 red chillies
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
1 tsp cumin seeds
1.5 tsp salt
1 cup buttermilk
3/4 cup rice flour
Oil for Frying
1/2 lb bhindi tops and tips removed
Method of Preparation
1. Blend the ginger, chillies, cilantro, cumin, salt and buttermilk into a smooth paste.
2. Mix in the rice flour and let this sit for a while (about 10 minutes)
3. Heat the oil.
4. Dip pieces of the bhindi into the batter and fry on medium heat till golden.
5. Serve Hot.
Tomato-Lime Chutney.
2 tomatoes
6 dates pitted
1 cup water
1/3 cup jaggery
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chilli powder
1 lime
Method of Preparation
1. Grind the tomatoes, dates and water into a puree.
2. Place in a saucepan with the jaggery, salt and chilli powder.
3. Cook for 15 - 20 min.
4. Squeeze the lime juice onto the chutney.
5. Cool and serve.


  1. Hi Rinku,
    it is a good surprise for me to see your nice entry for this week.
    have never seen you any time in comment though. thanks for participating. nice recipe with okra. and pictures are also nice.

    A very warm welcome to my blog.
    Stay tuned.

  2. I always had a hard time loving okra, especially in curries. This one looks dry and fried,and i feel like trying it. Thank you for the recipe.

  3. Yes, this actually takes the stickiness usually associated with the vegetable away.

  4. Fantastic result Rinku. We have never tried bhindi this way. Your blog is so colorful with these awesome pictures. Cheers!

  5. Thanks for visitng, please come back again.
