Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ginger-Garlic Cubes

Something that I absolutely must have when cooking something is a ginger garlic paste. I also through in some other things as available, usually green chillies. There you have it 3-G's for the letter G being hosted by One Hot Stove.

This will be a fun event, since, I would love to see what people send for some letters like Y and Z. Anyhow, the other thing I have learnt, is that it really does not take extra time to make a batch of these cubes and freeze them in cubes which I can use later as needed.
So here is what I do. I take 2 large pieces of ginger that I peel, 2 whole bulbs of garlic, that are also peeled and 20 green chillies. I process them in a food processor and fit into an ice cube tray and of course use as needed.


  1. I love this idea of making ginger-garlic paste and freezing it! Very resourceful. I often freeze my garlic and ginger both because I can't use them up fast enough. This is even better.

  2. Great idea to freeze them.It's a pain to make it fresh everytime we need it.Thanks.
    Y and Z are easy for Indians!!! Thank about it!!;D
    Have you thought about X??!!!

  3. i make a separate paste of ginger & green chilli for a week or two. this way i can use ginger in my tea as well.
    this comes in real handy.
    thanks for the tips

  4. Well, I am glad people liked the idea. Asha, tell me what starts with X

  5. Hi, I'm a first timer here... its such a wonderful idea of storing the paste...quite handy!

  6. Hi Sunita,

    Welcome to my blog. I just used some today.

