Sunday, April 22, 2007

Carrot and Carrot Greens

Have been so busy lately. Will be having a party for the kids, that can be quite a chore. The invites, getting gifts for the other kids, of course the food etc. That and switching jobs can keep a girl more than gainfully occupied.
Anyhow, I got this bunch of carrots with these beautiful greens. I have used beet greens before but never actually tried carrot greens, so I gave it a shot. Threw it together with some whole wheat spagetti, sun-dried tomatoes in oils, edamame bean, corn and grated carrots.
Essentially, I heated a 1 tbsp olive oil, sizzled some garlic and cumin seeds and then cooked the vegetables for about 10 minutes on low with a cover and then added the pasta, sun-dried tomatoes and a little salt and pepper. Added the chopped greens right at the end, the result was a pretty quick and tasty weeknight supper, fairly healthy too for that matter.
I spent a little time looking up carrot greens and realized that it is no novelty to be eating these greens anyhow I was glad that I had discovered a use for these wonderful leaves and I think they will feature anytime I get them in our regular cooking. Will sent this off to Sher at What did you eat? who is hosting WHB.


  1. How creative! I'm eaten all kinds of greens, but never thought to eat carrot greens. And why not? Thanks--I'll never throw them away again!

  2. shilpa(aayisrecipes)April 22, 2007 at 6:11 PM

    Oh wow...I have never tried using those carrot greens. Great idea.

  3. Well, I thought carrot greens is just for guinea pigs or rabbits. Never used it in my kitchen. So you broadened my mind! Thanks a lot!! :)

  4. I'm another one who hasn't eaten carrot greens. I'm quite fond of beet greens, so I bet I'd like them. I loved stir-fried dishes like this with noodles. Sounds delicious.

  5. Me too, I never had carrot green nor though we can make make a dish. nice simple dish!

  6. Hi Rinku, Is that you in the pic with white shawl. if so you look very pretty. I liked the carrot greens recipe. Nice entry.

  7. Never had carrot greens...the spaghetti looks delicious...

  8. Well, I am glad I gave people something to "Chew" on. In the process I saw an akki roti with mint on shilpas blog that I want to try.
    No Sharmi that is not me, just one of my students. I guess with spring we are all thinking green.

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