Sunday, April 1, 2007

Chocolate Cardamom Strawberries

Last weekend I went to visit my cousin in DC. Actually, I had to attend a conference and Anshul and the kids tagged along. While we did not do a lot, spring had certainly arrived in the capital, and, it was beautiful to get glimpses of the cherry blossoms and daffodils. Here in New York, the weather has improved, we are begining to see little things peeking out of the soil but they are not quite there yet.
On Friday evening, I wandered to Whole Foods Market to see what I could get by way of a gift. What caught my eye were these stunning stem strawberries. They were large and just the kind of stuff that make a still life artists day, they were pricey at $7.99 a pound, but, I had never seen such beautiful strawberries before. So, I got myself a pound. Then, I was left with figuring out what to do with them to make them even more special, so, I scrounged around my pantry. We had some white chocolate (that is what I like) and some good dark chocolate (everyone else likes that). And then I found a few pods of cardamom that I removed the seeds from and crushed very finely. I melted the white chocolate and added the cardamom into it. I dipped the strawberried into this, spread them on a sheet of parchment paper and kept them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, in the meantime, I melted the dark chocolate. I then dipped the white chocolate strawberries into this again, simple, elegant and amazingly good results.
Strawberries are such a harbringer of spring, colorful and full of flavor. It certainly mixes with the pretty spring landscape. This is my entry for this weeks weekend herb blogging. It is hosted this week by Ahn at Food Lovers Journey.


  1. Chocolate and Cardamom!! Sounds great,never mixed those two!!:))

  2. What a great combo - strawberries, chocolate and the mysterious spice! I was excited even by just looking at the title of your post! ;)

  3. Hi Rinku
    I was browsing around and came to ur blog. You have nice collection of dishes and Decked-up strawberries looks great!

  4. The combination of chocolate and cardomom sounds great. I think nothing tastes better than perfectly ripened strawberries.

  5. Shivapriya,

    Thanks for stopping by.


    I absolutely love berries, I have no problems getting my "5-a day in summer.

  6. lovely strawberry!! looks very pretty. nice entry.


  7. I've never tried adding cardamom to chocolate covered strawberries.That is a nice combo!
