Friday, August 10, 2007

Soy-Orange Ginger Fish

Thinking Quick! Thinking Spicy! Thinking.... Well, you get the drift... As always, trying to whip up dinner, actually to watch with this movie called, "The Holiday." Someone asked me my taste in movies, the answer sounded odd even to me, but I love watching alternate film and good sappy romantic comedies. Yes, the holiday is the later kind, but you know, there is nothing wrong with happily every after.

Anyhow, once in a while we do dinner on a plater, wine in a glass and movie on the screen. So here is the "dinner on a plate."

Dinner on a Plate

Serves 4


1/2 cup soy sauce
1 inch piece ginger
3 green chillies
2 clementines juiced
1 small bunch cilantro
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp honey
1.5 lbs. salmon
2 tbsp oil

Method of Preparation

1. Add the soy sauce, ginger, chillies, orange juice, cilantro, garlic and honey and blend till smooth.
2. Add to the salmon and let this sit for 30 minutes or longer.
3. Add the oil on a baking dish and place the salmon in a single layer.
4. Turn on the broil and broil for 7 minutes on each side.
5. Serve hot with rice or salad.


  1. great recipe for salmon. I love the mixture of sweet and savoury flavours. thanks for sharing.

  2. Unique recipe for a fish !! i look forward to try out ur recipe sumtime soon.
