Saturday, June 6, 2009

Meal Plan Monday

It took me some thought and general internal resistance to give this organizing idea a try. I like cooking and actually enjoy a little spontaneity after a long days work. This being said, I have to confess I sometime get very carried away and we end up having a great dinner very late.

The next few months promise to be challenging, so I want to see what sticking to a schedule ok, make that trying to stick to a schedule will do for me.

Monday - Rice and Class leftovers ( the saag paneer will be left over from class and I shall invent the white beans recipe)

Tuesday - Homemade chicken samosas and salad ( I know this sounds weird, but we are expecting a late night visitor, who I am sure will be expecting an Indian treat!).
Wednesday - Baked Lemon Pasta - this recipe looks interesting.

Thursday- Moon Dal, Rice, and Five Spice Cauliflower.

Friday - Leftovers and Egg Curry

Saturday- Balsamic Maple Chicken with rice

Sunday - Eat out!

Even as I do this, it looks like grocery shopping tomorrow is going to be very compact. Let me see what maiden week turns out to be. This is my first attempt at trying this with Org Junkie's

Meal plan idea.
I would love to see how this turns out. I have to say, shopping was a little less scattered after I had planned all this out!.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rinku, Just want to know on the event update(CFK). PLs do email me.
    I don't know if I missed the roundup!!
