Thursday, October 8, 2009

Spice Village - Not so classic but interesting!

A disclaimer before I start talking to you about my visit to Spice Village in Tuckahoe, I do not have pictures or any particularly interesting one, because I did not have my camera and the phone camera was well, the phone camera. There is a reason that it is just an add on for the phone and not selling on its own merit.

Anyhow, I ventured to this new locale (for me, it is the first time that I have ever been to Tuckahoe to eat) and the first thing that caught my attention was the sign that said classic Indian cuisine. It always amazes baffles and annoys me when someone presumes to know or create -"classic" Indian cuisine, coz my friends there is no one classic Indian cuisine.

This being said, while the restaurant actually had some interesting variations and pleasantly different food to offer. The buffet had some innovative South Indian dishes such as the beans thoran, which was very well done. The green beans were nice and bright in fact, very well contrasted against the snowy white vividness of the coconut. The chicken chilly fry, while different did not really live up to its spicy reputation.
They had an different appetizer - hara bhara kabab, which had a lovely hint of mint to complement the traditional spinach and potatoes. The rest of the menu was not very unusual, they did have a goat curry which was not very well seasoned. Naan and tandoori chicken was brought to order, the naan was nice the tandoori chicken was a little too well done.
This gooey brown dessert that they had was nothing I had ever tasted before it was like a halwa with bits of vermicelli and cashew nuts and was mildly sweetened.

The restaurant did have thoughtful touches such as the tea and coffee. Now one of the things I do not like about tea in most places is the tepid temperature of the tea water, this place had some really nice hot water that made a difference even with basic lipton teabags.

Now the decor was a little strange, in that they had some pretty good pieces just not arranged well, anyhow do visit this place at least once to get a break from the monotony of some Indian restaurant menus.

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