Saturday, March 22, 2008

Inspired Cooking!

Well, maybe its spring, maybe like most of us within the food universe it is this constant yen for doing different things, today's meal was something, that I needed to be different, creative and special. Why - well because I just felt like it!

Anyhow, most of the meal was inspired by other recipes on the web, goodness how did people ever cook prior to the www. Anyhow, what I had with me was some lovely orange roughy and some swiss chard, certainly enough basic components for a good meal. What I needed was something to mix and complete the meal.

To start with the swiss chard, this is what I looked at, what I developed was pretty close,

Sauteed Swiss Chard

Serve 4


1 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, sliced

2 shallots thinly slices

1 tomato, diced

3 cups chopped swiss chard

1 tsp seasoning salt

1/4 cup mirin (Japanese rice vinegar)

Method of Preparation

1. Heat the oil and add the garlic, cook on high and brown.

2. Add the shallots and tomatoe and saute briefly.

3. Add in the chard and cook for 3 minutes.

4. Add in the salt and mirin and cook till the chard is fairly soft.

Next to move onto the fish, I actually dredged this with lime juice, salt and pepper and seared this. I then topped the fish with some lovely chimmichurri sauce that I created from this whole foods recipe. I made some tiny modifications for convienience and practicality, - I used prepared almond meal that toasted up wonderfully and left out the lime juice and reduced the oil by half. Still a pretty rich sauce. Well, I have just started working with fresh oregano, that is my entry for this weeks WHB, that is being host by one of "my food blogger" (just the very few, that I have time to scan on a regular basis, simply because I do not have more time.) - Katie at a thyme for cooking.


  1. I love chimichurri sauce! Both these dishes sound tasty.

  2. I am planting Swiss Chard this year. I keep reading about it - so many wonderful recipes, and I can't buy it.
    Fine, I'll grow my own!
    And this is one I'll try when I can ;-))

  3. I do love Swiss chard and this is such a fast and easy way to serve it.

  4. Thank you everyone for visiting. Yes, swiss chard is a new one and definitely a keeper.

