Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jibe Goja - Fried Pastry in sugar syrup

Food events make the food blogging world a little more interesting. I love events, I do not have time to participate in most of them, but ever so often one of them catches my eye and I have stop by later to see what a variety of dishes are offered in the round-up even if I cannot participate. One event that I have been following since last year is RCI-Regional Cuisine of India. I think this event is such an amazing idea, just brilliant of Lakshmi to think of this.

This month RCI-Bengali is being hosted by Sandeepa at Bongmom's cookbook.

There are just so many interesting recipes, I finally settled for trying this sweet simple recipe. Jibe Goja is thinly rolled pastry dipped in a thick sugar syrup. Works wonderfully with tea and actually keeps fairly well for a few days in an air-tight container. The name is derived from the toungue shaped appearance, jib in bengali refers to tongue.

Jibe-Goja- Fried pastry in sugar syrup
Makes about 15 gojas

For the syrup

1 cup water
2 cups sugar

For the goja

2 cups flour
2 tbsp ghee
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
water to knead
Oil for frying

Method of Preparation

1. Make the syrup by boiling the water and sugar for 10 minutes. It should make a thick (1.5 strand consistency)
2. In the meantime, mix the ghee into the flour with the salt and sugar. This should be evenly mixed in with your hands.
3. Add the water to make a firm and smooth dough.
4. Let this sit for 30 minutes.
5. Break into small pieces and roll into long (toungue shaped) pieces.
6. Score well, to prevent this from puffing up while frying.
7. Fry till golden brown, drain the oil and dip into warm syrup for 1 minute.
9. Remove and set aside on a piece of parchment paper.
10. When this cools the Goja hardens just enough to make it flaky rather than soft.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the entry Rinku. Jibe Gaja is absolutely yumm, but coming to think of it haven't had it for a while
