Sunday, March 9, 2008

Green Chickpea and Corn Kadhi

I found these really pretty daity pods at the local store. I had never used these green chickpeas before but wanted to do something with them. After I brought these home, I discovered some very tart yogurt that had been sitting in my fridge for a while.
I am a big fan of Kadhi - that nutrious yougurt based soupy concoction tempered with whole spices and curry leaves thickened with besan or chickpea flour. If you love kadhi as much as I do, you will be convinced that sour yogurt was made for Kadhi not the other way round. Well, I made kadhi mixed in with fresh corn and the results with rice was perfect for a cool day.
Green Chickpea and Corn Kadhi
Serves 3-4
1.5 cups very tart yogurt
3 tbsp besan or chickpea flour
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp finely chopped ginger
1/8 tsp asafetida
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
2 dried red chillies
1-2 green chillies
10 curry leaves
1/2 fresh green chickpeas
1/2 cup fresh corn
2 tbsp fresh cilantro
Method of Preparation
1. Mix the yogurt, besan and salt with 2 cups water and set aside.
2. Heat the oil and add the ginger, cumin and mustard seeds.
3. When the seeds begin to pop add the red chillies.
4. Add in the green chillies and curry leaves and stir well.
5. Mix in the yogurt mixture, bring to a boil reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Add in the corn and chickpeas and cook for another 15 minutes.
7. Garnish with cilantro and serve with rice.
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  1. This looks so wonderful, I have to try it. No chance we will ever see green chickpeas around here (Hawaii) so do you think it will be okay to use dried ceci (Italian chickpeas)? I"ve never tried green chickpeas (it''s a revelation to me it is sold fresh like this) -- is the flavor very different between green and dried varieties? Thanks for a great recipe and post.

  2. Totally new to me, I've never heard of green chickpeas. Love to try it though.

  3. Manju,

    I think fresh green peas would be closer to this.


    You can get these frozen at Trader Joe's.

