Thursday, January 27, 2011

Saucy Shrimp Vindaloo

Last week in class, I had a spice lover, I mean a serious about my chilies kind of guy. So at his request I wanted to scope out a spicy recipe. When you tend to think spice in Indian food, what comes to my mind actually is the thought of vindaloo. A vindaloo, is a dish that is most popular in the western coastline of India and has Portuguese roots. I was looking for a recipe that was bold but not overwelmningly spicy since for a class setting, it is important to balance the flavors and the spice. So I went on a quest for a spice balanced recipe.

I did not have to go much further that my book shelf of my favorite cookbooks. I found a recipe in 660 curries that I adapted and a star was born. I used both red and green chilies in this recipe. Like so many other staples - the cumin, the garlic, the ginger and the cilantro I actually just tend to take the chilies in my life for granted. However, as I write I do realize my world would not be the same without these spicy creations. Chilies are actually very high in vitamin A and C and tend to be rich in anti-oxidants and even though I prefer the heat level in my food on the moderate (not mild side) my world would not be the same without chilies.

So back to the vindaloo, the recipe that I came up was saucy and had a nice amount of spice. The interest element in this recipe that I got from the original was the coconut milk.
We had it with the cracked wheat pilaf, that I told you about the other day.

So down to the recipe,

Shrimp Vindaloo - Spicy Shrimp in a tangy Coconut Sauce.

Prep Time: 30 minutes (includes soaking the spices)
Cook Time: 25-30 minutes
Serves 4


1/2 cup cider vinegar
4 pods of garlic
1 large (about 2 inch) piece of peeled ginger
2 green chilies
2 dried red chilies
1 tablespoon fresh powdered cumin
3 tablespoons oil
1 red onion, very finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup canned organic diced tomatoes or 3 fresh diced tomatoes
2 pounds of shelled De-veined shrimp

1 can of light coconut milk
Cilantro to garnish

Method of Preparation

1. Place the vinegar, garlic, ginger, green and red chilies in a bowl and soak for about 15 minutes.
2. Place in a grinder and blend until reasonably smooth.
3. Stir in the cumin.
4. Heat the oil and add the onion and cook slowly on low heat till the onion wilts and begins to turn softly golden.
5. Add in the salt and the vinegar spice paste and cook for 5 minutes, until the mixture thickens and begins to smell cooked.
6. Add in the tomatoes and bring to a simmer and add in the shrimp and stir well.
7. Add in the coconut milk and cook on high heat for about 7-8 minutes, do not overcook the shrimp.
8. Stir in the cilantro and enjoy.


  1. Hi Rinku, I am doing good! how about you?

  2. I have everything at hand right now ... except the shrimp. :-(
    Looks great Rinku ... would love it with some rice. :-)

  3. Hi Rinku,
    My husband loves vindaloo dishes. I do, too, if not too too hot. I'll have to try this one. Looks delicious. I have a few great spicy Indian dishes on my blog, also, inspired by Julie Sahni and Madhur Jaffrey.

    Happy cooking!
    Phyllis, aka

  4. Thanks for the great class and instructions. I have made a few chili pastes since your class (non were hot enough for me) as well as masalas. I have tried my take on indian food everyday since your class!
