Monday, January 10, 2011

Seriously Good Potato Fries

This recipe is as essential and as basic as it gets. Somewhere a few weeks back, the husband was running fever and needed to get to the immediate care facility. Actually, this was about a week before, the cat and his Christmas day visit. Well, the problem with our house like most houses is that one of the grown ups are sick. It is not quite so easy for the other partner in crime to leave the house and take the sick grown up to the doctor. Taking the thus far well little ones to such a place is just asking for trouble.

Anyhow, one of the husband’s friends obliged and took him over, so to thank him for spending the Sunday helping us out I made these addictive crispy potato fries. Interestingly, enough even in the midst of actually transcribing the recipe I ended up with a bout of the flu.

Crispy Round Potato Fries

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 25 -20 minutes
Serves 4


3 medium sized potatoes (Russets or Yukon Golds)
¾ chickpea flour (besan)
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon turmeric
3-4 green chilies chopped
2-3 scallions chopped
1/3 cup fresh cilantro finely chopped
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
¾ cup water
¾ teaspoon nigella needs
Oil for shallow frying
Black Pepper for garnishing

Method of Preparation

1. Wash the potatoes well, and peel them thinly. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and set them aside in water.
2. Place the chick pea flour in a mixing bowl and beat well with a wisk to break out any lumps.
3. Add in the salt, turmeric, green chilies, cilantro and red pepper flakes.
4. Mix in the water to make a batter that is about the consistency of thin pancake batter.
5. Stir in the nigella seeds and mix in the potatoes to coat them evenly with the batter.
6. Heat the oil (about 1 inch deep) in a skillet and when ready add single pieces of batter coated potatoes.
Cook undisturbed on medium heat for about 3-4 minutes on each side, till the potatoes are nice and crisp and dark golden but not brown.

7. Drain the oil and blot on paper towels. Continue this process until all the potatoes are cooked. Garnish with several grinds of fresh black pepper.

8. Serve with ketchup and paper towels and savor the moment and you enjoy these spicy crispy treats.


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