Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Green Tea, Little cafe, odds and ends

I have recently started exploring the world of green tea. Until very recently, I used to find this green companion rather insipid. I am otherwise really a tea drinker. I drink coffee at work simply because it happens to be there, need the kick!

What really clinched it for me was actually a Twinings green gunpowder tea.

This really is a lovely light green drink, perfect to sip on a cold day, not too overpowering...

Now, getting back to the kick, this afternoon, I wanted to take a walk to get something a little better that the awful brew that sits around and thickens at work.

I stumbled into this little cafe , located right in Hastings on Hudson train station. The place has a lot of character, just the kind of place you would want to take a book or newspaper to and sit and read and sip your tea or coffee. The owner is a charming and hospitable man. Outside of the fairly decent cofee and tea selections (better on the coffee), the restaurant offers a few sandwiches a good variety of muffins, scones and some really good rugelagh..

The little place cheered my spirits enough today to write a little...

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