Thursday, December 4, 2008

New York Sunset

All right, so we probably live in strangely interesting times. There is half the world economically falling apart, places where people do not blink before mindlessly killing hundereds of people and yet the Bushes buying a new home can still make headlines.Actually, for some unbeknowst reason, someone at work informed me that he had seen some of the most entertaining clowns in Washington, DC. My husbands asks me, whether this was on Capitol Hill?Ok, so I am tired and my political colors are showing...Tonight I chanced on a cocktail, by sheer accident, this is now named the New York Sunset! Made from the two ingredients I had available, I now also have a new mocktail/smoothie breakfast.

New York Sunset
Serves 4


1 lbs frozen peaches
3/4 cup pommegranate juice
1 tbsp chopped mint leaves
1/2 tsp grated ginger
1/2 cup coconut rum

To garnish

Mint leaves
Pomegranate seeds

Method of Preparation

1. Blend the frozen peaches, pomegranate juice, mint and ginger till very smooth.
2. Add the rum and pour into glasses.
3. Decorate with mint leaves and pomegranate seeds
4. Relax and forget all your troubles.

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