Monday, April 20, 2009

Awards and Tags

I am not totally sure how this is done, but Sharmistha passed me this tag and award. Oh number tags can be interesting and challenging, here is what I have cobbled up,
1. The one and only sibbling that I have, my dear brother!
2. My two beautiful children - Deepta and Aadi.
3. My third child - my dear cat Benji.
4. The four essentials in my cooking - ginger, garlic, onion and cilantro.
5. Ok, my dear panch phoron - nigella, cumin, coriander, fennel and fenugreek.
6. My dear daughter age!
7. The number of months we have active farmers markets in Westchester county!
8. The time we try to put the kids to sleep!
9. Struggling to get to work!
10. The time at night I call my own.
I shall pass this on to, Sharmila and Sharmi.

1 comment:

  1. hey Rinku, How are you? Thanks a lot for tagging me, I am very lazy to blog these days. will surely pull this thread soon:)) Take care!
