A childless man observed to me today, "Gosh, children must be so exhausting!!!!", I was a taken aback by this observation, because LOL, hell yes, they are exhasuting but, can I imagine or even want to think of a life without them, no...
How can I explain to a man like him, how rejuvenating my son's welcome smile is when I walk back home after a long day at work, how lovely it is to hear my daughter squeal in delight when I make her favorite and simple scrambled eggs with cheese, how lovely it is to see her dance her first steps!! Yes, the little princess has started Indian Dance lessons. I tear up every year when the daycare celebrates their annual anniversary, it is just so amazing to remember the days when I first dropped Deepta and Aadi off, so yes, children are exhausting but what a lonely, selfish and empty existence one would have without them.
Here is to a simple earthy recipe for Earth Day!
Mustard seasoned zucchini
Serves 2
1 tablespoon mustard oil
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 zucchinis, sliced
Method of Preparation
1. Heat the oil and add the mustard seeds and wait till they crackle.
2. Add in the onion and tomato and saute for 1-2 minutes.
3. Mix in all the remaining ingredients and cook for about 4 minutes, till the zucchini is soft and cooked through.
4. Enjoy as a flavorful side.
You put words to my thoughts when you say "children are exhausting but what a lonely, selfish and empty existence one would have without them"
ReplyDeleteThey spell trouble, tantrum, the house is forever scattered with toys, bits of paper, crayons...they drive us insane, hopping mad. But the glow in their eyes, the sparkle in their smile, the warmth in their hug are more , much more than all the troubles put together....life without them would be meaningless, directionless, empty....
Hey Rinku,
ReplyDeleteWe are celebrating Rabindra Jayanti next month at a get toghether with songs and potluck. When planning the menu(very important), in a moment of bravadery and more like insanity I said I will bring Mochaar Chop, something I had had as a child in Lucknow and haven't even seen one since moving to Canada 33 years ago. Now, my husband told me he can clean the banana blossoms, which I understand is a task in itself, but the rest is up to me. You wouldn't know how to make them would you and kindly share the recipe with me. You will get full credit because my friends are quite aware that I don't know how to make them and are looking forward to what i produce. I do get myself into these situations from time to time. Last weekend for Poila Boisakh I made 100 Rasmalai's for the gettogether, having never made any before they turned out pretty amazing, surprising the heck out of my bangal husband. Although I badgered my mom, whose recipe it was, over the phone with many questions.
ReplyDeleteLol! Mochar Chop, you are killing me. In all these years I have tried many things, but not this. Now, can you send me you email? I shall try get the recipe from my mother!
ReplyDeleteabsolutely! I cannot remember when we last had a grown up event at home, but how important is that anyway?
I agree with your sentiments completely!
ReplyDeleteZucchini with mustard sounds and looks lovely...! =)