Saturday, January 2, 2010

A new year, A neighbourhood find - Abatino's

The past two weeks of the holiday break has been especially nice and relaxing for me. We tried a bunch of new eating places, I had lots of company and most importantly, I actually had a lot of quite time with the kids, this is rather rare in this fast paced world of ours. I am sorry that this phase shall end after tomorrow, so blog readers here is wishing you a lovely, peaceful and happy 2010.
I started the year with a created cocktail that we are labeling the 2010 mixture, equal parts of contreau, sherry and sparkling pomegranate juice, looked lovely and hit the spot.
On Christmas eve, I had a rare lunch date with my daughter sans dad and brother at a neighbourhood joint called Abatino's.

The place is one, I have passed by many a time while going grocery shopping, well today was our turn to try a meal there. We settled for pizza and a salad. The restaurant is a comforting place, done up in warm colors with some attempt to replicate an Italian village scene, overall a nice cozy feel.
We ordered pizza that was generously served and a field greens salad.

The service was nice and prompt, the salad while purporting to contain bacon, gorgonzola cheese and walnuts, was not very generous with the walnuts but otherwise fresh and well seasoned.

Deepta was allowed to have and entire wedge of butter so she was thrilled. She decided to discuss politics and enquired whether we would ever have a "girl" for president? She is really growing up...
LOL, did not think I would be discuss the presidency over lunch with her so soon. Back to the restaurant, I think it a great neighbourhood find, certainly fun for a casual hangout.
The details on the place,
670 Broadway
North White Plains, NY

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