Sunday, May 16, 2010

Almost bengali tomato chutney...

Well, if people feel that they are getting deluged with recipes and blog posts, there is actually a reason. I am actually grounded from several things, including work all because of my bum shoulder... This is a crazy problem that I have been dealing with for the past over 2 years and now it has come to a head - I have 101 restrictions, including having to leave work. Is cooking and bloggin allowed, dunno about blogging -part of the don't ask don't tell policy... Well until the dr finds out, shall catch up on all those post that I wanted too...
Today as a part of class, I made this really lovely tomato chutney, well, what I really love about was,//with /really low effort, it tasted much like my mom's...
I offered it with papads, bengali wedding style and what is rare is later, I feasted on the chutney with roasted (er microwaved papads)...

So, how did I make this,

Bengali Tomato Chutney

Cook Time: 25 minutes
Makes 1 cup chutney


1 tablespoon oil
1.5 teaspoons panch phoron
1 tablespoon diced ginger
1-2 dried red chili
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 small can diced tomato
1/3 cup raisins
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
Papads or pappadums for serving

Method of Preparations

1. Heat the oil and add the panch phoron and wait till the mixture crackles.
2. Add in the ginger and the red chili and saute lightly.
3. Add in the salt and the canned tomato mixture.
4. Add in the raisins and the sugar and simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes, till the mixture is thick and fairly sticky.
5. While the chutney is cooking, cook the papads by microwaving on  for 1.5 minutes.
6. Cool the chutney slightly and serve with the papads.

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