Saturday, January 13, 2007

An Apple a day

I am not a particular fan of apples in general, but the granny smith is an exception. Its tart crisp texture gives it an amazing versatility.

Well I tried to find out a little more about it and discovered that they get their name from their original cultivator a Marie Ann Smith.
They do not brown as easily as other apples, hence they are great for salads, Like the one I am writing about.

Apple-Spinach Salad with red onions

Serves 4


2 granny smith apples peeled and sliced
1 tsp black salt
10 oz baby spinach leaves
2 eggs hard-boiled and sliced
1/2 cup wine-vinegar onions with some of soaking liquid
3 slices bacon cooked till crisp and crumbled (optional)

Method of preparation.

1. Mix the black salt with the apple and let this sit for 10 minutes.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
3. Eat with bread or alone.
This weeks WHB is being hosted by Sue and Coffee and Cornbread. Thanks for hosting!


  1. What a great healthy salad Rinku!Good recipe.
    Westchester; is that where Clintons' live? Must be a great place to live and expensive too!:)

  2. Hi Rinku,

    I landed on your blog by following the link from some other blog. I once had a friend called Rinku Ghoshal, and so I was just wondering whether you are the same person (although I saw that you have a different surname)... If you are not, I am extremely sorry to bother you.


  3. Asha,

    Yes, the Clintons do not live (in theory, since she is in Washington and he is all over the place)very far from us.

    I like it here, I guess any place after a while becomes home.


    No I am not Rinku Ghoshal, but thanks for visiting.


  4. Hi Rinku,
    that's a great way to use apples,I think it would taste great with onions...I'd add some nuts to this salad too..thanks for the recipe.

