Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mint - Chilli Salmon

Mint is another one of those staples, right next to cilantro, in my kitchen. I use mint less, but it is more versatile, I use it for sweeter seasonings, tea, and of course regular saviory food. I have another week of restricted activity in the kitchen, both for work and the knee, so I was thinking of something somewhat simple.

I would like to think that you are what you cook, if you cook, and love to cook that is. This recipe is very characteristic of my style, it is extremely flavorful, relatively healthy and highly adaptable ( I do it here with fish, but it works wonderfully with paneer, tofu, chicken, and cauliflower). The seasonings in this are like a good marriage, each ingredient complementing each other without overpowering, each retaining its own character. This recipe without the marination takes all of 15 minutes, but these 15 minutes it does need your attention.

Mint-Chilli Salmon
Serves 4

1 cup mint leaves
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 red chillies
4 green chillies
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 lb thin (3/4-inch thickness max) salmon steaks cut into small pieces
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
Method of preparation

1. Gring the mint, lemon juice, chillies and salt into a paste.
2. Mix in the turmeric.
3. Marinate the fish in this mixture for 2 hours.
4. In a heavy non-stick pan heat the oil.
5. Add the cumin seeds and sear the fish on high heat on both sides.
6. It takes about 2-3 minutes on each side.
7. Reduce the heat and cook for 3-4 more minutes on each side.
8. Place on a platter garnish with more mint and enjoy.

The real epicurean is hosting WHB this week, so this post is for him.


  1. Great entry!Looks delish!Enjoy!!:))

  2. That's a great entry - such an experimental mix of flavours - sure to leave an impression!

  3. I love salmon - and sometimes it needs a bit of zip to counter the fattiness. This sounds veeerrryyy interesting.

  4. Asha,

    Thanks as always for your encouraging comments.


    Yes, this does counter the rich taste actually enhances it well.

