Saturday, May 12, 2007

P is for Palak Rajma

I love, love spinach. I can eat it pretty much in any form. It is a regular feature in my cooking. This recipe is a simple creation that works best warm not hot. Several recipes like this frequent my daily table, they are nutritious not terribly fussy and since I do not have to worry too much about the dish getting cold, it fits my life when I am running around with the little ones.
Palak Rajma
Serves 3-4
1/2 cup red kidney beans cook till very soft
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp jeera
1 onion finely chopped
1 tsp chopped ginger
1 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp cumin coriander powder
2 small tomatoes diced
2 cups baby spinach leaves
3 green chillies minced
2 limes
1/2 tsp garam masala
2 tbsp cilantro
Method of preparation
1. Drain the bean and mash coarsely with salt.
2. Heat the oil and sizzle the cumin seeds.
3. Add the onion and ginger and cook for a 2-3 minutes.
4. When the onion is translucent add the cumin-coriander and chili powder with the tomatoes.
5. When they are soft add in the spinach leaves and cook till barely wilted.
6. Stir in the spinach mixture into the mashed beans.
7. Mix in the green chillies and squeeze in the lime juice.
8. Garnish with garam masala and cilantro.
This dish makes a great lunch meal by itself, it is also great on toasted crustly bread. This is a contribution for P to Nupur's alphabet event


  1. Hey, am a first timer to your blog and I must say you have a gr8 one!!! and the palak-rajma looks love... :) gr8 going!!

  2. Love the combination of two nutritious and tasty foods! Thanks for participating...the round-up has been posted :)

  3. They looks delicious.....they are healthy dish to... I love it...

  4. palak and rajma? never heard of this combi. looks yummy though.

  5. I love this! For the first time I have spinach in my garden and it's just big enough to start eating!

  6. Sharmi,

    I know this sounds a little unconventional but it actually tastes lovely.
    Katie, I look forward to hearing more about your spinach.

