Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother Day generally speaking

Well, we decided that to beat the crowds we would actually go out for dinner on Saturday evening rather than Sunday. Ok, so we actually did both. Everything in general seemed to be planned pretty well.

Zuppa's in Yonker's is one of my favorite restaurants, I find the food innovative but really flavorful. In general a little pricey, but have always loved the restaurant and the warm earth tones and rustic set-up. The menu is not huge but has probably a very innovative selection of items that they aptly label as progressive Italian.

Now, Zuppa's on mother's unfortunately is a slightly different story. Interestingly, enough last year when I was raving about Zuppa to a colleague, he appeared unimpressed stating he took his wife over for mother's day, he was less than impressed with the experience, mentioning how noisy and chaotic the place of was, so I thought - Hello! Mom's Day is like only the busiest restaurant day of the year!

Well! Well! Well!, this year Anshul did something smart we had a pretty early reservation, which with kids is always a bright idea. The meal started in its usual relaxed manner, we ordered some very interesting Pizza for the little ones, after I managed to explain to the waiter that they did indeed have zinfandale on the menu, only it was red not white, I felt this would be the usual special experience. Not really, the pasta order that I had was too al dente, they mixed up the calamari order that appeared to me too salty, in any case when you get the fried calamari after the main course it can be, shall we say a little weird.

The dessert saved the day. Well, will I be back someday maybe, but not on some major designated holiday.

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