Thursday, May 15, 2008

Robustly spicy pasta

Cannot quite understand why I am feeling so tired today, by the standard of weeks, life was not too crazy, also went to sleep early yesterday so frankly my dear, I have no clue why I feeling out of sorts. Thought blogging about this nice and colorful dish I concocted might actually chase away the tiredness, but no such luck, I left this post halfway and went to sleep. Decided to continue posting the next day.
Anyhow, the core to this dish was some really good sausage that I had gotten from Apple Farm which is actually a really good deli and fresh cheese section, pretty decent fish and acceptable vegetables. Anyhow, back to the sausage...
Sausage with peppers and vegetables
Serves 4
1/2 lb fennel sausage
3-5 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp crushed black pepper
1 onion cut into thick slices
1 green pepper cut into slices
1 red pepper cut into slices
1 can tomatoes (I use a fire-roasted organic can)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup thickly chopped mushrooms
1/2 tsp fresh rosemary
2-3 tbsp chopped cilantro
Method of Preparation
1. Cut the sausage into small pieces.
2. Heat the oil and add the fennel seeds, chili powder, onions and peppers and saute for 2-3 minutes.
3. Add the sausage and cook stiring occasionally for 10 minutes.
4. Add the tomatoes, salt and sugar and bring to a simmer and cook on low for 15 minutes.
5. Add the mushroom and herbs and cook for 5 more minutes.
6. Serve over anywhole wheat pasta of your choice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi...
    This is a nice recipe. Looks really spicy.. Sauce has a nice color.
