Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sabudana Dosa with Sambhar

It is probably an extremely rare, make that practically never day, when I think of trying to do any prepping prior to leaving for work. Well, my dear Aadi, has just been asked to get of the bottle all of 2-months back. My life has not been the same since then, I spend about 30 minutes every morning wrestling with him to drink from these silly colorful cups that I have bought him. Well, since I am pretty much stuck in the kitchen, a couple of day back, I was fussing around. I had some extra tapioca and my friend Vasu informed me this could be used for dosa.
I did not exactly remember a recipe, but this is broadly what I did.

For the dosas

I soaked

1/2 cup tapioca
1/2 cup chire (rice flakes)
1/2 cup rice flour
1 tsp salt
1 cup yogurt
1 cup water

I mixed the above ingredients and left for work, I came back and found a pretty thick concoccotion. I ground this with some more water in the blender.

Then I mixed in some chopped onion, sweet potatoes, cilantro and the half granny smith apple that I had in the fridge with half the batter. I heated the tawa, added oil and spread the batter, it took a good 12 minutes and then I turned and cooked briefly, the result was a nice and really crisp dosa. The kids loved this.

Once, they were done I made some sambhar using frozen sambhar vegetables. This was a pre-mixed pack that I bought from our Indian store, I have to confess I was pleasantly surprised by the quality.

In the remainder of the batter, I added some finely chopped chillies for us. A nice fun meal!


  1. I add sabudana to my dosa mix, it gives a very crispy dosa. Your version looks good too. Will try it out.

  2. hey this is new,..still hve to try dosas...but this version sounds delcious,..

  3. This is absolutely new recipe, thank you so much. Sambhar looks great too!:))

  4. lovely, crispy dosa! looks great.

  5. Thanx for sharing this wonderful recipe...Dosa looks crispy and tasty..

  6. diff recipe...this dosa looks very crispy and yummy..very new to me

  7. i have never added sabudana to me dosa..must be making it even more crispy!!!sounds wonderful!!

  8. I've never heard of sabudana dosas before. Very interesting.

  9. WOW... that was a different try. Ur dosa looks so crispy. Wanted to try this....
