Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Flashworthy Alu Palak

A heavenly medley of tomatoes, potatoes and spinach.
Made this at a class, at the request of one of my students. It is one of my favorite recipes, it covers all the bases for a good weeknight recipe - it is healthy, it is comforting and pairs beautifully with most dishes actually makes a complete side since it works and both the vegetable and the carbohydrate.

What makes it practical is that I use a baby spinach mix - anything you find in the local store, Dole or Earthbound Farms usually works for me. These packages come tripple washed and all I need to do is through this into the cooking pot.

other variations, and tastes closer to a warm salad. Now, I told you we had this houseguest visiting us. He had been sitting on the table working on his laptop which was right oposite me cooking in the kitchen. I am so used to taking pictures while cooking, well, he suddenly sees the flash and the next thing I knew he was in the kitchen wanting to know what spice caused that effect...
I think I might have impacted this young scientist's thinking for life. Oh well, for what its worth he like the dish.

Alu Palak - Spinach, Tomatoes and potatoes

Serves 4


2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 whole dried red chili crushed
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp minced ginger
2 shallots chopped
1 potato peeled and cubed
2 tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 16-oz package of baby spinach
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp chopped cilantro

Method of Preparation

1. Heat the oil and add the mustard and cumin seeds and let them begin to sizzle and crackle together.
2. Add in the turmeric, salt, garlic and ginger and shallots and stir for about 2 minutes.
3. Add the potato and cook stirring occasionally till the potatoes are lightly browned and half cooked.
4. Add in the tomatoes and cook covered for about 5-7 minutes till the tomatoes are soft and pulpy and the potatoes are very soft.
5. Stir in the baby spinach leaves and cook for 2-3 minutes till the leaves are wilted and just cooked through.
6. Sprinkle the garam masala and cilantro and serve hot or at room temperature.

I am sending this over to Deepa for this months cooking with kids event, originally started by Sharmi .


  1. I love love how it looks in the picture. I'm sure it would be tasting delicious!

    I have some potatoes, spinach and tomatoes at home. I will definitely try this over the weekend.

    I see you live in Westchester, I live in Rockland and commute to Westchester everyday!

    Keep the blogs going!

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for visiting! I just added your blog to my blogroll.


  3. Thats a lovely combo Rinku...looks great and healthy too...Thank you for the wonderful entry...You have a beautiful space here...good job.

  4. That's a very colourful dish! Can tell that it's very yummy from its look. I love alu palak. This alu paluk recipes is so pretty. I love to try different foods and when something is good it's hard to eat only one portion. My mouth is watering amazing photo! Awesome! So going to try this! thank you for shearing your post.
