Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The garden and salad series

Te garden is green and lush, with all still plenty of lovely green lettuce, lots of lovely fresh lettuce and berry trees that are begining to wake up. The first of these are the blueberries that adorn their tiny little plants in pretty little clusters. I have been trying hard to get some pictures with them just with one or two berries turning blue, and finally managed to get something this week. The beauty of the seasons is there predictability and of course there landmarks, the daffodils tell us that spring is on its way, followed by the vibrant forsythia's that fill our hedges with yellow and of course the rains that bring with them the beauty of late May flowers.
These delicate and pretty breakfast radishes were what came in this week. I know dear reader that you are probably getting tired of all my salad posts. It is one of those downsides of seasonal eating, you cannot plan what you get and you make do with what nature gives you.

This Lemon Wasabi Salad recipe was inspired by this post and something that I had tried a while back adding a touch of wasabi powder to the radishes. So this is how my lemon wasabi radish salad ended up.

Lemon Wasabi Radish Salad

Prep Time: 25 minutes (includes some time to let the salad mature)


4-6 small radishes (I used tender breakfast varieties)
1/2 teaspoon powdered wasabi
1/2 teaspoon black salt
1 red onion, thinly sliced into rings
2 cups chopped fresh green leaf letuce (optional)
1 teaspoon chaat masala
2 tablespoons minced cilantro
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 fresh lemon, cut into half and seeded

Method of Preparation

1. Slice the radishes thinly and add the wasabi and the black salt.
2. Add in the red onion and toss well and set aside for about 5 minutes to let the flavor deepen.
3. Add in the letuce, chat masala, cilantro and the sugar and shake well.
4. Squeeze in the lemon juice and set the flavors settle for about 5 minutes, before serving.

Lately I have been at home for a few weeks, mostly nursing my shoulder and trying to figure out how to stay engaged. One of my activities have been to play house. By this, I am looking at some of the really dated furniture in our lower level, consists of a 18-year old futon that I had from my college days. We do not have a whole load of space downstairs, especially since we now have a piano, for my budding musicians, the idea of a medium sized sectional sofa sounds appealing.


  1. Lovely looking salad. Looks so good. YUM! So colorfullll...

  2. This is a lovely salad! I can't wait to try this one. It really is so lovely!

  3. Thanks Sukanya and custom kitchen tables. I was really quite taken by the simple beauty of this salad.
