Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dal with Colllard Greens

I love lentils and greens. Spinach of course tends to be tested and tried, but I am always trying new greens. The lastest in my tested variety of additions in collard greens. The light bitterness of collards remind me of methi, they tend to be a little more textures. I pretty much tried to cook this the same way as this recipe, except for the difference in dal, greens, ok a bunch of things. This is a really lusciously lovely creamy creation!

Masuur Dal with Collard Greens

Serves 4


3/4 cup red masuur dal
1 cup chopped collard greends
1/2 cup corn
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp salt
2 slit green chillies
1 tsp turmeric
1 cup water

For the tempering

1 tbsp ghee
1/8 tsp asafetida
1 tbsp grated ginger
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
8-10 curry leaves
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
Extra lime for squeezing

Method of Preparation

1. Place all the ingredients for the dal in a pressure cooker and cook for 10-15 minutes.
2. Cool and throughly beat the mixture into a smooth creamy consistency, the corn will not dissolve and remains to add a little texture.
3. Heat the ghee and add the hing, ginger, mustard seeds, cumin seeds and cook till the mustard seeds start crackling.
4. Add the curry leaves and stir into the dal with the cilantro.
5. Squeeze the lime juice and enjoy with brown or white rice.


  1. That looks like a great recipe for cooking class. Since I don't get collard greens here in Victoria I'll try swiss chard and see how it turns out. Last year I started giving cooking lessons as a way to raise funds for an NGO in Bangladesh. All the money raised goes to a school run by UTSA, my contribution is teaching the cooking and the ingredients. I find your recipes very versatile and uncomplicated and yummy and was wondering if you would allow me to use them.

  2. Bulbul,

    I would be very happy to have you use my recipes particularly if it benefits such a good cause. They are usually and off shoot of my every day cooking and teaching, so I would like to believe they would be good for cooking classes.

    All I request is to attribute them to me and if possible this blog.


  3. Absolutely. When I run these classes I usually include recipes, spice samples as well as food blogs that the participants can check out when they get a bit more confident with using the different spices and cooking techniques and are looking for variety. Thanks.
