Saturday, August 15, 2009

You Say Tomaayto...

The tomatoes in our garden are begining to make their appearance as are the "friendly squirrels. This esplains why some of these beauties have been picked a little before they have been vine-ripened. We do eat a lot of tomatoes, but I have been having a little difficulty keeping up with the harvest.
Also while some of these tomatoes are being put away in paper bags to ripen, I am also getting a few tomatoes that are slightly damaged and green. These would spoil if I actually did not use them right away, so I tried making this jam. It is really very close to a bengali chutney in the light tempering but it is then a jam, thick and sweet. I used lemon juice actually lime juice to add a little bit of tartness, and I think we were very happy having this with some bread and cheese.

Spiced Tomato Jam
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Makes 1.5 cups of Jam
1 teaspoon ghee
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
2 dried red chillies
1 large red tomato (firm) (coarsely chopped)
3 green tomatoes (coarsely chopped)
Juice of 1 lime
1 1/4 cups of sugar
1 large stick cinnamon
Method of Preparation
1. Heat the ghee and add in the fennel seeds, when they being to sizzle add in the red chillies.
2. Add in the tomatoes and the lime juice followed by the sugar.
3. Cook on low heat until the sugar is melted, stirring frequently.
4. Add in the cinnamon and cook till the mixture is fairly thick, this takes about 30 minutes. The mixture should be thick and soft like a thick jam.
This would be lovely on thick bread!

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